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    Certification evalsuation
            Beijing United Intelligence Certification Co., Ltd. is certification body accredited by Certification and Accreditation Adiminstration (CNCA) and conducts quality/environment/ occupational health and safety/energy mangement system certification and product certification. It is also a training agency to train registered auditors with CNCA and internal auditors. Meanwhile, it is one of the certification bodies with the most certification qualifications awarded by UKAS (quality/environment/ occupational health and safety/ food safety mangement system).
            With China’s entry into the WTO and the integration of the global economy, BUICC try to enter the international market to enhance the competitiveness of Chinese enterprises. Due to BUICC’s first-rate service, it has won praise from its vast clients and the parties concerned. Besides, it’s certification performance ranks top in China, issuing over 28,000 certification certificates.
    Superiorities of BUICC:
    ♦ Fully reinforced, certification result accepted globally
    ♦ 15-year development and rich certification experience
    ♦ Professional staff, standard certification, certification quality assurance
    ♦ Advanced skill and innovated science and technology
    ♦ Extensive certification scope and low certification cost
    ♦ Numerous branches and convenient customer service
    ♦ More value-added services to increase customer value
    ♦ Outstanding achievenment in Chinese certification industry
    ♦ Good reputation
    Business Scope:
              BUICC is approved by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) and United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) and provides quality / environment/ occupational health and safety / energy management system certification, textile product certification, food safety management system certification, etc. in more than 1,200 subclasses. It can issue various international or domestic certification certificates through one audit according to the requirements of client.
    CNCA( Certification and Accreditation Adiminstration) 
    • © 2014.北京QY球友会官网集团 版权所有.Copyright United Intelligence Ltd
    • 北京QY球友会官网集团是由原国家部委下属企业改制重构开创的“新生产力”综合集成平台,以“产业提升、投资融资、绿色双碳”三大业务链,提供“战略规划、项目运筹、投资融资、市场营销、管理提升、节能低碳、生态环境、标准认证、应急安全、信息技术”十大类别产品,作为以“战略协同”方式开展业务的全方案提供者与全过程合作者,获得了国家与地方众多政府部门颁发的丰富业务资质,拥有高度职业化的经营管理团队与包括诸多国家级专家在内的千名以上专业技术人员,在国内外几十个中心城市设立分部,成功开展了包括诸多政府部门、园区管委会、世界五百强与中国五百强合作项目在内超过二十万项的各类业务,助力城市与企业客户升级转型、合规风控,成为北京市诚信创建与诚信榜样企业,也是AAA信用企业。