
Industry News
Safe and sane at work

        Whether it be burn-out or bore-out, work-related stress is a significant societal issue. Greater expectations, increased competition and rapid changes in technology and trends place pressure on employees to worker harder and longer – or change their role altogether. This type of stress can result in serious consequences to health and well-being, which is why the International Labour Organization (ILO) has chosen workplace stress as the theme of today’s World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
        There is a lot that can be done to prevent and manage such stress, including effective well-being programmes and reducing any risks to health and safety that may occur as a result of people’s work.
        ISO’s upcoming standard for occupational health and safety management will help organizations improve the health and well-being of their employees and reduce workplace stress through the implementation of an occupational health and safety management system.
        This includes identifying and managing hazards and risks, and implementing measures to ensure employees are not subjected to excessive workloads, there is adequate supervision and clear processes are put in place for communication and consultation between management and staff.
        The standard also helps organizations reduce work-related accidents and ill health and create a positive health and safety culture.
        To learn more about the progress of ISO 45001, see our ISO 45001 page.
        To find out more or get involved, contact your national ISO member.

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