
Industry News
First accreditations granted for ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015

        In support of the ISO and IAF’s encouragement to promote early adoption of accredited certification under ISO9001: 2015 and ISO14001: 2015, UKAS commenced their early adoption programmes under ISO17021: 2011 in July 2015, following issue of the FDIS versions of the respective certification standards. After consultation with stakeholders, UKAS accredited Certification Bodies (CBs) were invited to participate in the published early adopter programme, which included assessment of changes to CBs systems through document review and head office assessment and the completion of on-site witnessed assessment.  The final step in the process was a confirmation that the CBs had reviewed the differences between the FDIS versions of the standards and the published standards.  The programme was concluded on the 4th November 2015 with the successful UKAS accreditation of the following nine CBs to provide ISO9001: 2015 certification and four CBs to provide ISO14001: 2015 certification:
        UKAS Accredited for under ISO 17021: 2011 for ISO9001: 2015
        UKAS Ref. 0001 – Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited
        UKAS Ref. 0003 – BSI Assurance UK Limited
        UKAS Ref. 0005 – SGS United Kingdom Limited
        UKAS Ref. 0013 – DNV GL Business Assurance UK Limited
        UKAS Ref. 0015 – NQA Certification Limited
        UKAS Ref. 0026 – Alcamus ISOQAR Limited
        UKAS Ref. 0065 – TUV UK Limited
        UKAS Ref. 0078 – IMS Reliance Limited (Trading as IMS International)
        UKAS Ref.  8289 – British Assessment Bureau Limited  

        UKAS Accredited for under ISO 17021: 2011 for ISO14001: 2015
        UKAS Ref. 0001 – Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance Limited
        UKAS Ref. 0003 – BSI Assurance UK Limited
        UKAS Ref. 0013 – DNV GL Business Assurance UK Limited
        UKAS Ref. 0026 – Alcamus ISOQAR Limited
        It is important to note that certifications to ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 14001: 2004 remain valid right through to the transition deadline of 14th September 2018. Only at this point will any remaining certifications to these versions become invalid, and so all Certification Bodies and their clients will need to have transitioned by this deadline.

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