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Improving public alerts in emergency situations

        People at risk, be it from natural disasters, terrorist attacks or other incidents in daily life, need to be able to take appropriate safety actions based on a proper understanding of the level and nature of the emergency.
       Two recently published ISO standards will help organizations responsible for public warning at the local, national or international level to put in place a structured emergency response informing a targeted risk population.
       ISO 22322:2015, Societal security – Emergency management – Guidelines for public warning, provides guidelines for developing, managing and implementing public warning before, during and after incidents occur.
       ISO 22324:2015, Societal security – Emergency management – Guidelines for colour-coded alerts, provides guidelines for the use of colour codes to inform people at risk, as well as first-response personnel, about danger and to express the severity of a situation.
       ISO 22322 and ISO 22324 were developed by ISO technical committee ISO/TC 292 on security and resilience, whose secretariat is held by SIS, the ISO member for Sweden. The standards can be bought from your national ISO member or through the ISO Store.

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