
Industry News
Greenhouse gas standard reaches voting stage

     Undertaken by the technical committee ISO TC207/SC7, which is led by SCC and SAC, ISO's members in Canada and China respectively, the review of ISO 14064-1 and ISO 14064-2 has now reached Committee Draft (CD) stage, meaning members involved have two months to vote and make their comments. The CD stage is also the perfect time for anyone else interested in contributing to the revision to have their say.

     In addition, the committee has expertise from key organisations such as the UNFCCC, WRI, CDP and The Gold Standard, ensuring we cover all the most pertinent areas and make it relevant for a constantly changing future."
     ISO 14064-1 Greenhouse gases -- Part 1: Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals will address some key GHG quantification issues and will include a more standardized reporting frame.

     ISO 14064-2 Greenhouse gases -- Part 2: Specification with guidance at the project level for quantifcation, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancements will be expanded to be applicable to carbon credit and innovative technology projects, and projects internal to organizations.
     Those interested in contributing to the revisions are encouraged to do so by contacting their national ISO member.

     The revision of ISO 14064 is due to be complete in April 2016.

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